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La huerta agroecológica. Una historia esdrújula recomendada por el Conde Drácula

La huerta agroecológica (The Agroecological Garden) is a book about the consequences of climate change. It points at the impact of poor nutrition and presents possible solutions for environmental deterioration.

An excerpt containing three concepts and three proparoxytonic words in Spanish perfectly summarize the book’s spirit. It goes like this: More agroecological food for everyone. Neither organic for the rich nor transgenic for the poor. Whereas it may seem a simple pun of proparoxytones in a phrase, there is a clear posturing in the message. There is no need to clarify how words have meaning and define realities, is it?

The book is dedicated to those who sow poetic worlds and harvest magical feelings. There is a lot to do and a lot to create!

Let’s start playing!

  • Start your own garden at home!
  • Find words in the word search!
  • Make your own compost!
  • Enter the labyrinth!
  • Plan your own healthy and tasty meals!
  • Paint with colors!
  • And a lot more!

Martín Crespi
Originally a History teacher, Martín Crespi created Pachamamita Libros in 2015, an independent publishing house specialized on children’s book on environmental themes with accessibility perspective (translated into Braille and signed languages) and conceived with love. Crespi has already written seven free-circulation, free-interpretation books, which have been translated into several languages, published by Pachamamita and illustrated by Diana Chereau: La asombrosa historia de la mega-minería y las mini- regalías, La fabulosa historia de la sojita traviesa, La sorprendente historia de los tronquitos y los arbolitos and La increíble historia de las perdices que comieron felices, El agua, una historia de terror, Caperucita, un cuento clásico para tiempos modernos and La huerta agroecológica, una historia esdrújula recomendada por el conde Drácula. por Diana Chereau.


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