special activities

Women and Biodiversity


Streaming via YouTube and FINCA Facebook page.

“Women have been the custodians of biodiversity in most cultures (…) Women produce, reproduce, consume and conserve biodiversity in agriculture”, says Vandana Shiva in ‘Women’s Indigenous Knowledge and Biodiversity Conservation’. In this conversation, we analyze and discuss the role of women in the sustainable development of their communities, the conservation of ecosystems, biological diversity and natural resources.

Special guests:

Vandana Shiva
Indian philosopher, author, ecofeminist activist, creator of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology.

Camilla Becket
Producer and director of The Seeds of Vandana Shiva; founder of Becket Films together with Jim Becket, with the aim of focusing on international environmental, social justice and health-related issues.

Florina López Miró
Kuna leader from Panama, activist for indigenous peoples’ rights, indigenous women, gender and indigenous development.

Cristina Mazitegui
Abogada, Magister en Desarrollo sustentable, docente universitaria en Derecho Ambiental y asesora legislativa, coordinadora de la Red de Mujeres en Diálogo Ambiental.

Saturday, June 11 - 11 a.m.

Online. Free and public activity.
Moderated by: Florencia Santucho (director of the International Environmental Film Festival [FINCA])
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