Tomorrow is a Water Palace

Sybille is the last living person on Earth, a planet that has run out of water as well as out of history. She roams through arid lands in order to find water, traveling through strange visions. A vision that lives within a vision, the water of waters may live in her womb. Entities that have […]

Living Water

Jordanian nomads who settled in Wadi Rum have grown dependent on complex water infrastructure. The source is right below their feet, yet they struggle to meet basic needs, as deep-water extraction feeds private farms and secures growing urban population. A story of power and exploitation in one of the most water-poor countries in the world.

Names for Snow

Rebecca Thomassie is an Inuk of Kangirsuk, in the canadian region of Nunavik. She documents some traditional knowledge of the different ways to name snow, and teaches them to her daughter to ensure the sustainability of her culture. Living in a country where it snows for 9 months, and where there are 52 different words […]