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“Advocating for a new climate”. Soledad Barruti interviews Vandana Shiva.

“We are one Earth Family on one planet , healthy in our diversity and interconnectedness. The planet’s health and our health is non separable (…)

We can be linked world wide through the spread of disease like the corona virus  when we invade the homes of other species, manipulate plants and animals for commercial profits and greed , and spread monocultures. Or we can be connected through health and well being for all by protecting diversity of  ecosystems and protecting the biodiversity, integrity , self organization (autopoieisis ) of all living beings , including humans.”

Vandana Shiva
(, 04/03/ 2020)

Once again, FINCA is honored by the presence of the special guest Vandana Shiva: a guiding pillar and a true fighter for the food sovereignty of the peoples against Monsanto and the multinational companies, as well as one of the biggest voices of the ecofeminist movement. More than ever, we need to play an active role towards the cultural change that we need, where respect for diversity and the protection of our territories is at the core of our actions.

Vandana Shiva is an Indian philosopher, writer and activist for ecofeminism, creator of the Research Foundation for Science, Technology and Ecology.

Silvia Ribeiro is a researcher and the coordinator for Latin America of the ETC GROUP – Grupo de Acción sobre Erosión, Tecnología y Concentración.

Soledad Barruti is a writer and a journalist. As a researcher in the field of the food industry and food production, she has published Malcomidos and Mala Leche (Editorial Planeta).


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